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college of science and engineering中文是什么意思

用"college of science and engineering"造句"college of science and engineering"怎么读"college of science and engineering" in a sentence


  • 理工科学院
  • 理工学院


  • On humanities education in college of science and engineering
  • On orientation of quality education in colleges of science and engineering
  • On disciplinary construction of humanities and social sciences in colleges of science and engineering
  • The campus culture building and humanistic quality education in a college of science and engineering
  • Comparison between constructions of discipline in colleges of science and engineering home and abroad and its enlightenments
  • The cultivation of art education and humane quality for the students of universities and colleges of science and engineering
  • In view of challenges and opportunities faced by the undergraduate major of educational technology in colleges of science and engineering , the paper elaborates on the developmental orientation and thinking about the undergraduate major of educational technology in colleges of science and engineering from five aspects : the general objective , definition of its personnel training , the clear training direction , the layout of its courses as well as the grant of academic degree
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